Man of Steel New Trailer: We Have Much to Discuss!

"You Have to Keep This Side of Yourself a Secret"

In a bizarre twist to the Superman lore, Pa Kent tells Clark these words and takes all of us by surprise. Ever Clark's moral compass through the years, Pa Kent is understandably afraid that the world is not ready for what his son is becoming, and by telling Clark this, Snyder takes the Jonathan Kent character in a new direction. Perhaps it is merely a look at a broadening of Pa's overall beliefs, but it is certainly a 180 degree turnaround for the character. He was never one to shy away from what Clark was to become, however I can never recall him willingly telling his son that he could not help others in need. This in advance of Clark asking him if he should have let everyone die, and Pa Kent responding with a shocking, "maybe."

"I Have So Many Questions"

Spoken in what appears to be the Fortress of Solitude, Clark is talking to someone about the questions he has regarding who he really is. We all know the story of the alien child raised by local smalltown farmers, but what he doesn't know is how, why, and even when he was sent to our planet as his home world crumbled around his biological family. Of course he has questions, but this speaks to everything the Kent's have raised him to be. He is obviously struggling to make the right decision with his life, and I think Snyder will give us not-so-much the already-visited "look at the child becoming the super man," but rather the young man in search of his true self, becoming the world's savior. Click "next" below for part 3...

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture