Man of Steel New Trailer: We Have Much to Discuss!

Taking on The World

The scene that follows Clark's reflection in presumably the Fortress of Solitude on who he is and who he is to become is obviously the turning point of the film. While it's unknown what leads him to finally take up the mantle of Superman, it's evident that a global scale threat is most likely part of the cause. This scene I'm referencing shows Clark emerging as Superman, clean shaven, with his face to the sun, donning the suit and stepping into the light and ready to embrace his destiny, before finally taking flight. This scene is the epitome of what makes the Superman legend so embraceable: a new day, a new hope, the yellow sun, and the flowing red cape giving us all something to believe in and get behind.

In Flight

It's important that we see Superman in full-on flight mode with this trailer. So far, with all of the footage released, all we have seen is one clip with Henry Cavill's hero racing towards the sky in flight, and nothing more. The clips thus far have given us all a small sense of the story, but not much in the way of action. The 2nd half of this new trailer gives us much more in the way of new footage, and nothing more striking than the man in flight. We see him, again, racing to the sky and then around the Earth from the outskirts of space, followed by a screaming descent along a building line and a presumed collision with General Zod mid-flight. These scenes are imperative to help capture the minds of an audience that is hoping for an action film amidst all the drama we've seen thus far from these trailers. Click "next" below for part 4...

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture