Man of Steel New Trailer: We Have Much to Discuss!

Kneel Before Zod

Two final things about this trailer before I open it up for discussion: 1. Who else caught the quick glimpse of a beaten Superman being thrown to the ground at the feet of....someone? Michael Shannon has long stated he will not utter the immortal phrase "kneel before Zod," but one can't help but wonder what follows this clip. 2. Zod flies into Smallville The geek in me has lost it as it relates to this scene that shows a spaceship landing next to the Kent Farmhouse, and someone, presumably Ma Kent, coming outside and down the front steps. Is this, in fact, General Zod coming to Smallville? One can only hope! In all honesty, I can't say enough good things about this trailer. The movie appears to be coming together within a scope that has not been attempted in any Superman film before it. And honestly, it's what the source material demands. It looks as though it's more dramatic than the Christopher Reeve entries, and more polished and breathtaking than it's fairly unrelated predecessor, Superman Returns (cut it some slack, it was actually a good film with some big sequences!). So please, let's break it down, tear it up, and discuss it until the final trailer hits, probably sometime in April or May! On Twitter: @davyshrader Email:

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture