Man of Steel New Trailer: We Have Much to Discuss!

In Custody

Pa Kent believes the world isn't ready for what his son is becoming, and this is none the more evident in Clark's future as we see Superman in handcuffs, escorted by the military. Willingly going with law enforcement shows the world that Superman does not believe himself to be above the law, and it underscores his belief in humanity and his role in protecting it. What's also of note here is the fact that he is released at the end of the scene, presumably with, at the very least, Metropolis crumbling to ruins, and our first real glimpse of Lois Lane letting him go. More on her appearance in a latter paragraph.

General Zod

Still not much to go on with Michael Shannon's Zod as it relates to this new trailer, but we do have some new shots of the character, including a full-on facial profile. We also see what is presumably several shots of his ship in action, or is it something more? The fanboy in me screams for Braniac to be revealed, but then what else would we have for a sequel? In the meantime, less is undoubtedly more with the Zod character, as we all wait to see how Snyder will portray the iconic villain in this film.

Lois Lane

Amy Adams portraying Lois Lane, for many, was a very odd casting choice. However, Lois Lane originally was a redhead (check your history, kids!) and this is not such a stretch. In fact, I like it. I loved her in Disney's Enchanted (hey, I have young kids!) and thought she was great last year in The Muppets, but she was outstanding with Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale in The Fighter. That being said, this is a completely new role for Adams. It is an iconic role, a legendary role, and these are shoes not easily filled (see Kate Bosworth in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns), shos that were left vacated by the great Margot Kidder. Lois Lane ultimately becomes Superman's new rock; she is his new moral compass as he leaves his parents farm in Smallville behind him, and tackles the world head-on. The final scene of this trailer works for me on so many levels, with Clark holding Lois' hand as she undoubtedly pushes him to embrace his destiny, believing in him like his parents have for so long, with Clark finally asking her if she believes the world is ready for him. Click "next" below for part 5...

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture