The Many Hairstyles Of Jake Gyllenhaal

10. The Psycho Nerd - Donnie Darko

We'll start near the beginning: unkempt, greasy, flopped over the forehead - these are all the tell-tale traits of the hair of an adolescent. But this time there's a twist. One or two wayward strands on top and at the side, coupled with an extreme level of overall poor styling indicates the lid of a disturbed and relatively unpopular young man. The general bowl-shape of the obviously un-coiffured and unfashionable is common among reclusive nerds, but here Gyllenhaal makes it look a little more sinister - although that may have something to with the axe he has resting on his shoulder. His lack of attention to his hair reflects his lack of attention to society, and he is dangerous because of it. He doesn't see what's so bad about not running a brush thorough his dark locks, so I doubt he'll see the problem with hitting you with his axe. Was the haircut only for Donnie Darko, or was Donnie Darko a result of the haircut? Who knows.... Neeeeerrrddd.

Writer from North Yorkshire who likes commenting on Film, TV and Pop culture.