Marvel: 12 MCU Theories That Make Appalling Sense

12. Spider-Man Was A Battle Nerf

Spider Man Homecoming Giant Man
Marvel Studios

The Theory

Quite why Spider-Man was brought in by Tony Stark for the airport battle in Civil War has been a subject of debate ever since: he's a barely trained, volatile kid and he doesn't really do a great deal in the fight. If anything, Stark recruiting him was just irresponsible.

But, a new theory suggests that he was actually brought in precisely because doing so was irresponsible. He was chosen consciously as a de-escalator to dampen the fight.


As confirmed in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Stark knew that his friend-foes wouldn't fight a kid properly (as he points out, if Cap wanted to squash him, he could have easily). He was well aware from the start that they would all pull their punches, and he called up Spidey to nerf the battle.

It wasn't a case of him ruthlessly throwing a child to his death, it was actually a genius tactical move.


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