Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Best Female Villains

6. Nebula

MCu Villains
Marvel Studios

Appeared In: Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Like some of the other characters on this list - and numerous others in the MCU - Nebula's status as a villain comes more from circumstance than choice. Taken as a child and raised to fight for her adoptive father, Thanos, Nebula's life was one of pain and misery, wherein every failure was punished to the point that her losses in battles she would be forced to take part in against Gamora meant she would have pieces of herself ripped away to be replaced by cybernetic enhancements.

Throughout the first film, the cold and cruel Nebula worked with Ronan under the mandate of Thanos, but sided with Ronan when it seemed as though he had become powerful enough to defeat Thanos. None of that worked out, however, and Nebula escaped - sans a hand - to return in the sequel, where her new goal was to kill Gamora. To her surprise, she and Gamora managed to finally settle most of their differences, like sisters, and she teamed up with the group to defeat the Sovereign fleet on Ego.

By film's end, Nebula set off with yet another goal: Vengeance against Thanos. And though we will have to wait to see how that plays out in Infinity War, Nebula's arc from being a seemingly evil individual to the revelation that a truly broken, bitter, and possibly irreparable soul rests under the surface has been great.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!