Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Best Villains Of 2018 So Far

8. Kasius

Thanos Killmonger

Appeared in: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Season 5

When the team was kidnapped and sent to the future, they found themselves in a horrible new reality, one where the world had long been destroyed, the last humans and Inhumans stuck living in the Lighthouse under the oversight of Kasius.

A member of the Kree race, Kasius despised humanity and the fact his path in life had put him in charge of the Lighthouse, and he used his position to bid off Inhumans to buyers from across the galaxy, all while plotting to one day destroy the Lighthouse.

Much of Kasius' self-interest and motivation stemmed from being exiled by his own father over a military disaster and his subsequent desire to gain respect back and get into his father's good graces, fundamentally a sympathetic concept. However, as with all villains who use their tragic backstories as a means to justify their cruelty, Kasius' single-minded greed and ability to manipulate everyone and everything around him proved highly dangerous.

He enslaved Simmons, ordered the deaths of innocents like Reese and the Inhuman Ben, kept future Yo-Yo alive to be tortured for information, and even killed his own brother. All of that was before the loss of Sinara caused him to snap and attempt to destroy the Lighthouse, an act that led to him consuming Odium and going toe-to-toe with Mack, who - along with Simmons - managed to put an end to the season's first memorable major villain.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!