Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 New Villains To Watch Out For In 2017

8. Maximus

Kurt RUssell Guardians Of The Galaxy VOl 2
HBO/Marvel Comics

Appearing in: The Inhumans

Though Inhumans have been playing a role within the MCU ever since their introduction back in the second season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., fans have yet to meet the Royal Family. That's all about to change this September, when the first two episodes of The Inhumans hit IMAX screens before the entire eight-episode series officially begins running on ABC, finally bringing long-awaited characters like Black Bolt and Medusa into the universe.

Of course, the presence of the Royal Family means that Maximus, Black Bolt's younger brother, won't be far behind. Ever since making his comics debut back in the '60s, Maximus has had a history of perpetually working against his brother, subtly and overtly, with goals ranging from usurping the royal throne from Black Bolt to enslaving the human race under his will, using his incredible smarts, technological prowess, and mind-altering powers to see them through.

As if the ingredients weren't already in place for Maximus to make a great MCU villain, the recent casting of Iwan Rheon in the role has been enough to satiate many fans who are still reeling from his excellent turn on Game of Thrones as the despicable Ramsey Bolton over the last few years, which only makes it all the more exciting to see what he'll bring to the table in giving Maximus life.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!