Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 New Villains To Watch Out For In 2017

4. Alexandra

Kurt RUssell Guardians Of The Galaxy VOl 2

Appearing in: The Defenders

Unlike all the other characters on this list, Sigourney Weaver's villainous Alexandra has been confirmed to be an entirely original creation for the show, divorced from the comics and freed from the type of baggage that comes with fan expectation anytime a character is adapted.

That said, because there's no basis on which to even ponder anything about the enigmatic character, it's hard to talk too deeply about the what-ifs. What are her ultimate goals? Does she have personal ties to any of the Defenders? Is she connected to any of her fellow antagonists like Wilson Fisk, Mariah Dillard, Madame Gao, or The Hand in some way?

All of these questions and more have yet to be answered, and in a way, that's great. The Defenders is an event fans have been waiting years to see happen, and the more surprises that are in store, whether it be about Alexandra or the larger story itself, the better. And with Weaver there to fill her shoes, there's little doubt that she'll live up to the high bar of quality villainy set by her predecessors.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!