Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 New Villains To Watch Out For In 2017

2. Vulture

Kurt RUssell Guardians Of The Galaxy VOl 2
Marvel Studios

Appearing in: Spider-Man: Homecoming

It was only just a few years ago that Michael Keaton was nominated for an Academy Award for his turn as an actor best known for playing a superhero named Birdman, and here we are in 2017 about to see him play a supervillain who might as well go by the same exact name.

To say that Spider-Man: Homecoming is heavily anticipated would be an understatement, as the titular character's sheer popularity coupled with the overwhelmingly positive response to Tom Holland's debut in the role in Captain America: Civil War has ensured that the film will be a success. And yet with so many reasons to be excited for it, few are as worthy as getting hyped about as seeing Keaton take on the villain role, something that the footage so far has suggested will really capitalize on Keaton's ability to tap into his dark side.

Vulture isn't being portrayed for laughs - in fact, he goes so far as to threaten Peter that he'll kill those he cares about, a threat worth believing thanks to Keaton's delivery - but instead as an actual, scary danger.

What he's after, why he's so angry, and what else he's got up his sleeve that keeps Spider-Man from easily being able to take him down is something we're a few months away from finding out about, but he's already far and away one of the most intriguing new villains coming onto the scene this year.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!