Marvel Cinematic Universe: 5 Films That Should Appear In Phase 3

4. Thor 3: Ragnarok

Thor: The Dark World is the highest grossing film in the MCU that doesn't have Iron Man in it. It would be foolish of Marvel Studios not to continue with the Thor film series with Thor 3. In addition to the financial reasons, Thor: The Dark World ended on a cliff-hanger that needs to be resolved. Without spoiling the film too much for those that haven't seen it, there is more of Loki's story that needs to be told. Loki himself Tom Hiddleston has confirmed that he is not appearing in The Avengers: Age of Ultron. This means that Loki's story will not be concluded until another film, most likely Thor 3. As good a villain as Loki is, it would be disappointing if Loki was the only villain in Thor 3. Thor actor Chris Hemsworth has an idea about the direction of Thor 3, saying "The sort of end of days Armageddon aspect, is probably the direction in which it will all head in." His comments suggest that the villain in Thor 3 may be Surtur, the leader of the fire demons and the key villain in the Armageddon story Ragnarok from the comics, and the original Norse mythology story on which the comics were based. When asked directly about whether he would like to see fire demons in a Thor film, Hemsworth replied laughing "Yeah, bring them all in." There have been a few hints in the MCU that Surtur exists and could be the main villain in Thor 3: - The Eternal Flame was shown as one of the items in Odin's vault in the first Thor film. If Surtur's sword Twilight touches the flame, he becomes immensely powerful. - Surtur's realm of Muspelheim was shown in a portal during the convergence in Thor: The Dark World.
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An ordinary guy who is loving seeing his favourite superheroes being brought to life on the big and small screens, and is hopeful that the best is yet to come.