Marvel Cinematic Universe: 5 Films That Should Appear In Phase 3

1. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: The Inhumans

Guardians Of The Galaxy is by far the most risky film in Phase Two, if not the most risky film to date in the MCU. The Guardians are the least well known property in the MCU, they operate almost entirely from space and their ranks include a talking raccoon and a walking, talking tree. Tonally, it's a significant departure to the rest of the films in the MCU. Obviously Marvel Studios believes that The Guardians are worth the risk and have hired some big names, including Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper, to help ensure that it is a success. If the investment pays off, it is almost certain that there will be a sequel. There are a number of different directions that the sequel could take, but it is very possible that it will introduce the Inhumans. The Inhumans are a special strain of humanity with superhuman powers that live on a self-sustaining Earth-like environment on the far side of the moon. They were created through experimentation on humans by the alien race of the Kree (who are being introduced in Guardians Of The Galaxy). The Inhumans gained their powers through exposure to the natural mutagen The Terrigen Mist. It has been suggested that the powers of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch (who are being introduced in The Avengers: Age Of Ultron) may be from exposure to The Terrigen Mist. Vin Diesel, who is voicing Groot in Guardians Of The Galaxy, has talked about being involved in a new Phase Three franchise that has the potential for "merging of brands" in the MCU. Diesel was initially approached for the Phase Three role, but was also given a more immediate role voicing Groot. It is very likely that the Phase Three role is for the non-speaking ruler of the Inhumans Black Bolt. The Inhumans would serve as a bridge between the earthly Avengers and the cosmic Guardians of the Galaxy. It would also make sense for Diesel to play the voice only Groot and the non-speaking Black Bolt. What do you think? What films do you want to see, or expect to see in Phase Three of the MCU?
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An ordinary guy who is loving seeing his favourite superheroes being brought to life on the big and small screens, and is hopeful that the best is yet to come.