Marvel Cinematic Universe: 5 Films That Should Appear In Phase 3

2. Captain America 3: Captain America No More

Although Captain America: The Winter Soldier is yet to be released, it seems likely that the Captain America film series will be rounded out in a trilogy, as is the current trend in film. Captain America: The Winter Soldier will explore Cap's struggle with the views and methods of S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain America has been partnered with the popular Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, which serves to better connect the story with S.H.I.E.L.D., while at the same time increase the film's chances of financial success. The film is said to be the phase 2 film that most directly connects with The Avengers: Age Of Ultron. It seems very likely that by the end of The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Cap will leave S.H.I.E.L.D. due to differences. There are a number of potential storylines that could be explored in Captain America 3. A logical follow-up to Captain America: The Winter Soldier would be a story that explores Cap struggling with his identity as a symbol of America, possibly even giving up the star spangled costume as in The Secret Empire/Nomad or Captain America No More comic book storylines. Another obvious possibility is the Death of Captain America story. Sharon Carter, Crossbones and The Winter Soldier who are key characters in the story, are being introduced in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In the story, the Winter Soldier assumes the mantle of Captain America after the apparent death of Steve Rogers. While it's great story that deserves film treatment, it would be disappointing for Steve Rogers to die before his memorable encounter with Thanos. The Avengers: Age Of Ultron will introduce Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Along with Hawkeye and Captain America, these four heroes formed a special Avengers team in the 60s, dubbed Cap's Kooky Quartet. The Quartet, or a version of it, could make a very different and very fun Captain America 3. Many fans want to see a follow up to 2008 Incredible Hulk film. Hulk has proven to be more successful in a team than in solo films, so it is possible that the Incredible Hulk sequel could be combined with another film, such as Captain America 3. Black Panther is another hero that could be combined with Cap in Captain America 3. The Panther is yet to be introduced in the MCU, apart from a very brief reference of Black Panther's African nation of Wakanda on a S.H.I.E.L.D. computer in Iron Man 2. Captain America's shield is made of Vibranium which is metal native to Wakanda. The shield could serve as a link between Captain America and The Black Panther, but this link could be better explored after the shield is destroyed by Thanos in Avengers 3.
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An ordinary guy who is loving seeing his favourite superheroes being brought to life on the big and small screens, and is hopeful that the best is yet to come.