Marvel Cinematic Universe: 50 Best Deaths

30. Malekith

Marvel Deaths
Marvel Studios

Died In: Thor: The Dark World

Though he's one of the MCU's most underdeveloped villains, Malekith was able to change a lot about Thor's life. Thanks to him, Frigga was killed, Asgard was nearly destroyed and events set in motion allowed for Loki to be freed and, ultimately, on the throne of Asgard disguised as Odin by film's end.

After combining with the Aether, Malekith squared off with Thor on Earth, their fight taking them through portals to different realms until Thor was able to return the winded Dark Elf to his homeworld of Svartalfheim. Shortly after, his falling ship was teleported there, too, where it crushed Malekith before he could react.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!