Marvel Cinematic Universe: 50 Best Deaths

29. Aldrich Killian

Marvel Deaths
Marvel Studios

Died In: Iron Man 3

Though the real Mandarin has since been revealed to be out there in the MCU thanks to the One-Shot All Hail The King, the man who claimed to be the Mandarin to Tony Stark's face met his end during the showdown at the Roxxon drilling platform.

Having survived everything Tony had thrown at him thanks to his infusion of Extremis, Killian moved in for the kill only to be destroyed once and for all by Pepper Potts, who ironically had only survived an earlier fall thanks to Killian himself injecting her with Extremis.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!