7 Marvel Cinematic Universe "What Ifs" That Should Have Happened

1. MCU Villains Are A Problem

The grand finale! Not many villains in the MCU, besides Loki, have completely honorable interpretations. Obadiah Stane was the closest next to Loki but the battle at the end seemed to be void of emotion, and read as a quick, forced, action scene ending. What if instead of killing the Ten Rings, Obadiah led them into some terrorist plot to bomb something? It would maybe give the US a reason to buy weapons from him and the Ten Rings could use the Jericho Missile as the bomb. This would have been an example of the theme being Tony having to make up for past mistakes. In Captain America, the Red Skull uses the Tesseract to make laser weapons and bomb the world. That was the best they could come up with, filling every other bit of conflict in the movie with the excuse that it was WWII. That excuse was done well, prompting everyone into action but the Red Skull himself seems even less interesting when it was Arnim Zola who made the laser weapons possible. Red Skull would act better as a personal villain towards Cap. His whole monologue of "leaving humanity behind" could have held a lot of weight toward Steve. Since he felt like an outcast he never felt apart of it to begin with. The opening scene in Thor: The Dark World where Odin recites what happened with the Dark Elves is literally recited again, by Odin, later on to Thor and Jane. Just pick one! Whichever one they picked, go into depth with Malekith, since he didn't even have a story other than ruling the world. There are supposed to be deleted scenes that showed Malekith losing his family and even something as small as that should have made it into the movie. The Winter Soldier has a more interesting story than any villain here, but I would argue the fact that he's only as interesting in the film because of the previous film's success. It borrows all the emotional baggage from Bucky's friendship with Steve including his death and just copy and pastes it into the latest film. The Winter Soldier only has Bucky decide not to kill Cap, which shouldn't be given a lot of praise.

Thomas Christian Glynn hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.