Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing


14. Mjolnir's Impact Looks Like Captain America€™s Shield

The impact crater Mjölnir creates when it comes crashing down to Earth is a visual call-out to Captain America's shield; there's distinct rings and a centre reminiscent of the star. It's not just a subtle piece of iconography though - it could be foreshadowing that Captain America's "worthy" and will, in the future, be able to lift Thor's hammer.

13. J. Michael Straczynski Cameo

The guy who first discovers and tries to lift Mjolnir isn't just a random extra. In the first of several comic creator cameos in the film (we'll get to Stan Lee in a bit), this is J. Michael Straczynski. The man behind Babylon 5 wrote the story for the film, but also has a long history linking him to Marvel. On top of conceiving this movie, he was a writer on Thor comics in the years before release, although was most prominent as the writer on Spider-Man from 2001 to 2007.

12. The Village's Name Is An Easter Egg

The name of the New Mexico town where the Earth-set action takes place is Puente Antiguo, which translates in Spanish to Old Bridge; an obvious (if you speak Spanish) nod to it being the connection point between Asgard and our realm via the Bifrost.

11. A Billboard Acknowledges Thor's First Appearance

This one's not only obscure in terms of being hidden in the film, but also requires some particular contextual knowledge too. In the background of a handful of shots there's a billboard that proclaims "Land of Enchantment... Journey into Mystery", which is actually a pretty involved reference; the first part is a common nickname for New Mexico, while the second is the name of the anthology comic in which Thor first appeared back in 1962

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.