Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing


20. Odin€™s Ravens

Perched on Odin's Throne sit two ravens, Hugin and Munin, a cameo from two characters who are prominent in both the comics and wider Norse mythology. Although in Thor they do very little, their cameos become increasingly pronounce as the movies have progressed.

19. Orb Of Agamotto

Odin's vault is a treasure trove of background Easter eggs, with several that will play a major role in future MCU events. First up is the Orb Of Agamotto, an object that serves as something of crystal ball for Stephen Strange, gifting him with clairvoyance. It's usually found in his Sanctum Sanctorum, a change in location that will no doubt be addressed in some form in Doctor Strange.

18. Tablet Of Life And Time

Known also as the Lifeline Tablet, the Tablet Of Life And Time has the power to gift immortality and omnipotence. Its writings translate as "Those Who Sit Above in Shadow", a reference to beings (believed to be) even higher than the Asgardians and possible hinting towards a Ragnarok-style apocalypse. Compared to the rest of the contents of Odin's Vault, the tablet hasn't featured that much in comics, meaning it's unlikely to play a prominent part in ongoing events.

17. Warlock's Eye

The Warlock's Eye is a powerful mind-control device that appeared in a single issue of Thor back in the sixties. Its presence in Odin's Vault could suggest that some version of those events, where Volstagg uses it to defeat Asgardian Harokin's army, have occurred sometime in the MCU's past. The prop is often mistaken as the Eye of Agamotto, the source of Doctor Strange's amulet's powers, something the official Marvel site disproves.

16. The Eternal Flame

A "does what it says on the tin" device, the Eternal Flame can be seen oh-so briefly in the background of Odin's vault. Another object that has some link to the Norse apocalypse Ragnarok, an event Thor: Ragnarok could depict (it depends what version of the subtitle they're going with), expect the Flame to make a passing appearance at some point in the future.

15. The Infinity Gauntlet

Blink as the Destroyer attacks the thieving Ice Giants and you'll miss the most important Easter egg in the whole MCU so far; the Infinity Gauntlet. A metal glove, when all six Infinity Stones (in the comics Gems) are attached the wearer gains total and complete power, a situation that will unfold with the mad Titan Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War (seven years after its first appearance here). Interestingly, the glove appears to have all six Stones attached, although that's probably more a side-effect of foreshadowing so far ahead than an indication that the glove was ready to use here (in fact, lines about the Stones since explicitly contradict that).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.