Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Iron Man 3

17. The Kid's Drawing Is Wrong

There's something humorous of a kid drawing a sketch of what was in-universe a pretty dangerous threat as if it were actually something out of a film. Of course, this picture isn't totally accurate - Tony Stark had ditched the triangular chest-plate by the time the Battle of New York rolled around. Although it's very throwaway, this serves as a nice reminder how big a deal Iron Man has become in the MCU; he's a brand there as well.

16. Bambi's Verbal Cameo

While at Stark Industries, Happy barges past reception, apologising to an offscreen receptionist called Bambi. This is Bambi Arbogast, the comic Stark's long-term assistant, here working for Pepper Potts. Bambi was cast in Iron Man 2 (played by extra Margy Moore), but was hardly visible in the film proper.

15. Fin Fang Foom

When researching the Mandarin and The Ten Rings, one of the images on Tony's high-tech hologram computer is of a Chinese-looking dragon. Not only does this appear to be a nod to Fin Fang Foom, it also serves as a slight acknowledgement of the more racial origins of the comic Mandarin.

14. J.A.R.V.I.S.'s Stocking Is In Vision Colours

Being a Shane Black film, Iron Man 3 is set at Christmas. Naturally, then, there are stockings up in Stark's mansion, not just for him and Pepper, but also robot butler Jarvis. Interestingly, Jarvis' stocking is coloured green, with yellow binary and red/purple trims; the exact same colour scheme as Vision, played in Avengers: Age Of Ultron by J.A.R.V.I.S. voice-actor Paul Bettany.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.