Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Iron Man 3

13. Harley Predicts The Later Events Of The Film

Budding mechanic Harley, despite being a pre-teen, has some advice for Tony Stark - why not make Iron Man (and Iron Patriot) more stealthy? Tony's passive approval of the idea isn't just him being short; he's actually already done that. In the final battle you can see his stealth-moder armour, complete with those previously mentioned retroreflective panels.

12. The Mandarin Is Wearing Raza€™s Ring

They may not be magical, but the Mandarin does indeed have the character's typical ten rings. And, in fact, this should have been a clue to his real identity; the ring on his left pinky is the same as the definitely non-magical one worn by Raza way back in Iron Man, either a replica or reclaimed by Killian after the terrorist's death.

11. The Mandarin Has A Captain America Tattoo

Although he's only been back a couple of years, the ideals of Captain America has clearly had an impact on the Mandarin (or Killian); on the back of his neck, the fake Mandarin has a tattoo of Cap's shield, only with an anarchist A instead of the traditional star. Ouch.

10. Roxxon Accountant "Assassinated"

The man who the Mandarin (pretends to) assassinate on live television is an accountant for the Roxxon Oil Corporation. Roxxon were first glimpsed in Iron Man, but in the threequel have a greatly expanded role, with a history similar to real-world BP.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.