Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking All The Endings From Worst To Best

2. The Avengers

Where to even start with the finale to Marvel€™s Phase One? The journey that began after the credits had rolled on finally culminated in 2012 when the Avengers Assembled, bickered a lot and fought amongst themselves before being invaded by aliens. The climactic battle of New York that closed The Avengers has so many crowd pleasing moments that its almost impossible to cover them all. Every Avenger has a chance to shine individually but the fight scenes come to life when these characters, who we€™ve read about for years and only ever seen on screen flying solo, tag team their attackers. This being a Joss Whedon film there€™s also plenty of humour, Tony taunts Loki and the god of mischief gets his arse handed to him once and for all by the Hulk. Puny god. The conflict between the selfless Cap and selfish Stark, and the idea of what it takes to be a hero, also gets a beautiful payoff as Tony realises he€™s the only one who can stop a nuclear weapon and flies it into the portal that€™s vomiting alien invaders onto Manhattan. The Avengers not only concludes with one of the most fan-pleasing comic book moments in cinematic history but it manages to balance all of these characters and powers perfectly. It also has an amazing tracking shot which shows each Avenger in action, and that alone makes it worthy of its position on this list.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.