Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking All The Endings From Worst To Best

3. Ant-Man

The latest film in the Marvel canon brought things back down to basics in a big (well, small) way. In some ways Ant-Man€™s tale of two ex-business partners warring over the use of a revolutionary piece of tech provides a twisted reflection of Iron Man€™s first outing. The flipped narrative however, of the older man wanting to protect his life€™s work from the young upstart and hiring a thief to do so, manages to separate things just enough to let the size-shifting action speak for itself. Ant-Man may have performed poorly at the box office compared to Marvel€™s bigger hitters, but the refreshing micro focus means it stands head and shoulders above many of its contemporaries in the third act stakes. You can also feel the ghostly spirit of Edgar Wright€™s original script most keenly in the fight scenes, as Yellow Jacket and Ant-Man brawl through a briefcase to the strains of The Cure€™s Disintegration and cower in fear as Thomas the Tank Engine steams towards them, his cold, dead, merciless eyes swivelling maliciously before collision. The method of Yellowjacket€™s demise is signposted more clearly than a national heritage site but the sight gags and unique locales more than make up for it to form a final act that is neither wearying nor overblown.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.