Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking All The Endings From Worst To Best

7. Avengers: Age Of Ultron

I€™ve got mixed feelings about Age of Ultron€™s finale. On the one hand Quicksilver€™s death was entirely unearned (although deleted scenes flesh out his reasons for self-sacrifice) and smashing unending battalions of robots has even less impact than the waves of Chitauri from the first Avengers film. On the other hand, the moment that the curtain was raised and Ultron€™s plan to cause an extinction level event by dropping a city into the ground from a great height was revealed had me on board straightaway. Looking back that might just be because the imagery of Sokovia rising into the clouds reminded me Angel Island from the Sonic The Hedgehog, but there are plenty of other highlights to AoU€™s finale. Hawkeye€™s pep talk to Scarlet Witch where he bemoans the insanity around him and his choice of weapon is a moment of pure Whedon characterisation, whilst the SHIELD forces evacuating the floating city lends real impetus to the Avengers€™ mission beyond simply beating Ultron into a Vibranium puddle. In fact the only real downside is that the method of destroying Sokovia with Mjolnir seems to have had very little thought put into it. The Vision being the one to defeat Ultron is also a bit of a deus ex machina solution, even if it does give an interesting new character a chance to shine. The fact that AoU mixes things up and leaves us with an exciting new status quo for Earth€™s Mightiest Heroes should also be applauded.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.