Marvel Civil War: 10 Things You Need To Know

5. Spider-Man Should Be Heavily Involved

The other big get that Civil War could inspire is a return of a certain friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. There's been rumours over the past couple of weeks that Marvel was in the process of sorting a deal with Sony - who currently own the movie rights to the webhead - that would allow the character to appear in a future Avengers film. There was no official confirmation such talks were ongoing, let alone what such a deal would entail, but the Civil War news adds a degree of legitimacy to the scuttlebutt. Whilst Iron Man and Captain America are very much the figureheads of the pro- and anti-registration sides, respectively, Spider-Man is just as integral to the story. He represents the in between, the undecided, the person who can see both sides of the argument. In the comics he initially sides with Tony, reveals his secret identity, and gets a sweet high-tech costume. Then his Aunt May is targeted for assassination by one of his many old disgruntled enemies, and he quickly switches sides. There's not many other character who could fit into this role in the MCU, so perhaps Peter Parker will finally be coming home.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at