Marvel Phase 3: 15 Outrageous Predictions That Could Change Everything

13. Doctor Strange Forms His Own Avengers - Avengers 4

Doctor Strange Movie
Marvel Studios

The Prediction

After the potential decimation of the Avenger veterans in Infinity War, Doctor Strange rise from the ashes as the new leader for younger heroes and formerly supporting figures to rally behind. He puts together the New Avengers, drives off Thanos and moves them into the Avengers facility in place of their dead and retired forebears.

Or, he retires the Avengers name entirely, realises that such a group is ill-befitting a sorceror supreme and forms The Illuminati to over-see the protection of the multiverse in a less aggressive manner.

The Implications

Well, for a start, for Phase 4 (or whatever replaces it), Doctor Strange would be the leader of the ensemble of heroes brought together as Earth's Mightiest Protectors, which would obviously mean an entirely different set-up for future sequels.

At this stage, it actually feels like him forming The Illuminati would be the smarter answer. If - as Kevin Feige has hinted - Marvel plan to move away from the Phased model of release, having every handful of films leading up to an Avengers movie would be unlikely. But having the Illuminati existing as a super-team presiding over all things would provide the opportunity for ensemble movies without the need to build each one with Phased individual movies.

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