Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Thor: The Dark World (No. 1)

Thor The Dark World Post-Credits Scene

The best Marvel post-credit scenes are the ones that build towards an individual instalment, while also laying the foundations for greater plot points. That€™'s exactly what Thor: The Dark World€™'s first sting did; you get to meet one of many villains from Guardians Of The Galaxy (the general rule of thumb with Phase 2 movies is to not tease the next movie, but the one after that), but his motivations are pointing as far into the future as Avengers: Infinity War.

Benicio del Toro, sporting an explosive shock of white hair, takes the Aether (for those with MacGuffin-fatigue, the weapon Malekith attempted to destroy the nine realms with) from Thor€™'s buddies Lady Cif and Volstagg, the first of the Infinity Stones he secretly wants to collect. Obviously this got everyone accustomed to Taneleer Tivan ahead of Guardians Of The Galaxy, but that's not what's really of importance here.

Since the Infinity Gauntlet appeared in the background of Thor, fans were theorising that storyline is what the series is really heading towards. The addition of Thanos in The Avengers - in the comics the owner of the elaborate metal glove - seemed to confirm this, but it wasn't until this scene that the Gems-cum-Stones were directly referenced. Things are going to get big. Ruling-the-universe big.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.