Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

18. Captain America: The First Avenger


Sadly we€™re not just starting off with €œnot as good as the rest€, instead it€™'s a scene that'€™s downright lazy. Sticking around through the credits of any movie is no mean feat. You get in the way of less obsessive punters trying to leave, have to struggle through all the subsidiaries of the VFX companies and avoid the glare of the cinema staff desperate for you to leave so they can get the screen ready for the next showing.

So, when the end scene winds up being a dud, it'€™s fair to say it's massive disappointment. What fans got when sticking around after the end of Captain America: The First Avenger is less a post-credit scene and more a blatant trailer for Joss Whedon€™'s The Avengers; all the footage here, both the scene between Steve and Fury and the montage, comes directly from the big team-up. Which was kinda cool at the time, but the scene quickly depreciated in value once proper trailers were released.

There was such a depth of content to plunder for set up the end of Phase 1 and although most of that - how did Loki survive, how did Thor get back to Earth - doesn'€™t directly tie into the film at hand, there has to have been something original to include. If you were attempting an MCU marathon (a feat that gets more foolhardy every six months or so), this is the one film where making a well timed fast forward through the credits is really not necessary.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.