Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

17. Ant-Man (No. 2)

Captain America Falcon Winter Soldier Ant Man After Credits Scene

You think as things went on in the MCU there'd be more and more effort put into the post-credit stings, but Ant-Man shows the same shoddy rush-job approach of The First Avenger can still rear its head; that movie's end-of-credits sting is just a truncated scene from Captain America: Civil War. It's not even all that linked to the film we just watched, with only the vague allusion Scott Lang's going to be called up (and having seen the film I'm not sure who exactly Falcon's referring to).

This one at least gets points for getting people speculating about the film - What are the Accords? Why is Bucky in a vice? Why do they need Ant-Man? - but it's still an entirely pointless scene in retrospect. Kevin Feige reportedly insisted on it being included after watching the scene being filmed, and while I'll agree it's an intriguing one, it's hardly a knock-out.

At least, unlike The First Avenger, this one came after a wholly original, fully teasing scene at the middle of the credits, so audiences didn't feel as shortchanged. Still, this is a definite one to skip.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.