Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

14. The Incredible Hulk


Now we€™'ve had all the big hitters in a couple of team-ups and a TV series that name-drops under the assumption that mentioning Captain America is enough to make an entertaining forty minutes, it'€™s easy to forget the simple, giddy thrill of seeing a hero pop-up in an entirely different film. That€™'s exactly the trick The Incredible Hulk pulled as the end credits rolled, having Tony Stark attempt to recruit General Ross for the Avengers Initiative to... erm... either get Abomination or Hulk on side? Possibly?

There€™'s an ambiguity to the scene that back in 2008 - when the notion of Phases was a twinkle in Feige'€™s eye - was exciting, but now it makes little sense. By the timeline of the film (The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 happen concurrently) Tony€™'s been kicked out of the gang, which led to a hasty retcon with a One-Shot short where Agent Coulson is revealed to have used Stark€™'s tendency to piss people off to trick Ross into not releasing Abomination.

Leaving a few raised eyebrows, you have to conclude that if a short film is required to explain a post-credit scene, a rethink may needed. Again, the greater story was in very early development at this point, so this problem is forgivable to some degree, but the scene could have still been made relevant to the story in a stronger way.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.