Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best
Howard the Duck - great troll or waste of an opportunity?

It's easy to forget it, but post-credit scenes existed long before the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's been a mainstay of superhero movies since the genre boomed in the early naughties, while Back To The Future Part II went as blatant as including a not-so-hidden trailer for its sequel. What Marvel did, however, was popularise them with audiences.
Sticking around through the whole of the credits used to be reserved for obsessive cinephiles who must... see... everything. Now there's less of a grab-your-bag-and-run mentality; take your time and you may catch something cool. Whether it's a mindless blockbuster or kids' animation, there's been an greater number of films sneaking in little extra nuggets at the end because, well, people are actually going to see them.
But back to Marvel. It's expected the majority of the audience will stick around if it's a Marvel flick and they're right to do so; the studio, whose films are all produced by mastermind Kevin Feige, have become the masters of this (admittedly rather minor) art. From sowing the seeds of a whole franchise to giving fans a bit of laugh (because there's not enough jokes in the more recent films already), they're always something to look forward to after the catering and visual effects guys have had their moment in the sun.
Of course there are some duds and that's why today we're going weave through all fourteen of these little stingers to decide which ones are the best.