Marvel’s Spider-Man: 8 Characters The New Movies Need To Introduce

8. Kamala Khan

There€™s a chance that a lot of you won€™t know who Kamala Khan is but she€™s the MU€™s current Ms. Marvel, and she just happens to be a teenage Muslim. Oh and she€™s awesome. Kamala€™s intense likeability, alongside the fact she€™s a positive role model with a normal body shape (when she€™s not stretching her limbs to fight crime that is) has made her a hit in the pretty short time since she first appeared. She€™s basically the modern Spider-Man, a kid struggling with her powers and trying to fit in to both the real world and the world of superheroes that she€™s found herself in. There€™d be a bit of comics continuity time bending going on if Kamala was to appear at school alongside Peter as she€™s a teenager in the main Marvel timeline of Earth 616 whereas Peter is somewhere in his 30s. She€™s also not likely to appear as Ms. Marvel any time soon as Marvel is developing a movie based on the classic version of the character, Carol Danvers, Still, it€™d be fun to see Kamala and Peter as study buddies, and nice to have a female character who€™s more than a match for Peter intellectually and not just a love interest.
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Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.