1. Ben Barry - How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days

To my mind, this is the worst role in McConaugheys entire career. He seems to have a thing for siding with terrible leading ladies. This time, he's paired with the worst of 'em all: Kate Hudson. I cant even be bothered to regale you with the plot, and just watching the trailer makes me physically angry. Let me just input the actors and the title in the random rom-com-plot-generator and see what comes out. Ah, yes, here we go. McConaughey advertising exec Benjamin Barry (perhaps the most original character name of 2003) makes a bet with his goofy buddies that in 10 days he can make any woman fall in love with him (a bet that is made for no real reason). But at the same time, Kate Hudsons magazine writer Andie Anderson (another original name) is commissioned to write an article on how to lose a guy in 10 days. Andie and Benjamin meet at a club and... well folks, you can guess the rest seeing as youre all bright people. McConaughey brings nothing to this film but his torso and his smile, and Im running out of witty retorts and scathing putdowns so all Ill say is this: its obvious that Matt is only in this for the money. This performance sucks harder than Kim Kardashian/ Tulisa/Paris Hilton/Ulrika Jonsson/Pamela Anderson (delete where applicable). So, it looks like McConaughey has flown the dreadful rom-com nest where he managed to make a fairly keen living, and is moving full-steam ahead as (gasp!) a credible actor. He's given some excellent performances of the past year or so, but still not enough to make up for the bad ones. Keep going Matt - you can do it!
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