MCU: 10 Best Characters Introduced In Phase 4 (So Far)

6. Agatha Harkness

loki sylvie
Marvel Studios

Wandavision kicked off Phase 4 on a stunning high and quickly became a pop culture phenomenon. This was due to a winning combination of its surreal mystery, near-pitch perfect sitcom homages and game performances from the cast, especially Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany.

Kathryn Hahn’s portrayal of sinister witch/nosy neighbour Agatha Harkness was the show’s unexpected breakout. Few could have predicted that this obscure comics character would be this entertaining to watch but Hahn’s approach to the long-lived mystic was the perfect blend of the well-meaning but intrusive neighbour and a devious (yet tragic) sorceress.

Her presence also acted as a helpful form of worldbuilding, as it showed audiences a magical realm outside what has been established in films such as the Thor series and Doctor Strange. Her motivations may have been underdeveloped, but Hahn’s knowing performance more than carried the proceedings.

Also, it did not hurt that Agatha All Along was an absolute earworm that perfectly encapsulated the character and the show she debuted on.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.