MCU: 10 Best New Villains Who Could Join Phase 4

2. Magneto

Magneto Marvel X-Men
Marvel Comics

If the X-Men are going to get their own reboot in the MCU, it makes sense that their most iconic villain ever is introduced too.

There's a distinct chance that Marvel will initially introduce the X-Men as a side-property to the mainline MCU to stop the waters from being muddied too much, before bleeding the properties together (how they do that is the biggest question of all, of course). And having a stand-alone X-Men story that doesn't in some way establish Magneto as the long-term antagonist would be a mistake.

It's actually a shame that the X-Men Origins movies were killed off before Magneto got his own planned chapter, so that wouldn't be entirely unwelcome, but having a traditional Professor X versus Magneto story would be the smartest option. And no time travelling, please!

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MCU Phase 4
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