MCU: 10 Characters Who Will Definitely Survive Phase 3
9. Ant-Man (& The Wasp)

Scott Lang arrived in solid, if not spectacular, fashion back in 2015 to round-out Phase 2, bringing a funnier, weirder hero into the game. Things only improved in Captain America: Civil War, where he was one of the real MVPs, and next year he's got an appearance in Infinity War and then sequel Ant-Man and the Wasp, co-starring with Evangeline Lily. Although she did appear in Ant-Man as a supporting character, she's going to become much more important going forwards as she too becomes a superhero, setting up a part in Avengers 4.
Why They'll Survive
Because Paul Rudd is a God, and we mere mortals are blessed to have him walk among us - surely Kevin Feige & Co. also realise this?
Unless Ant-Man and the Wasp bombs, and that feels unlikely even if it's not a huge hit, then it'd be odd for Marvel to leave it as just a two film series, when the standard is a trilogy. Coming back for a third instalment in Phase 4 - or whatever it ends up being called - feels like an obvious move, while both characters could well become important parts of the Avengers as well.
Lilly's contract isn't as clear, but Rudd is on an initial three-movie deal with room for lots of expansion, so he should be sticking around for a good while yet.