MCU: 10 Cosmic Villains For Phase 4

5. Super Skrull

Marvel Magus

Super Skrull, real name Kl'rt, is a member of the shape-changing race known as Skrulls. He was given the combined powers of the Fantastic Four following a confrontation the Skrull Empire had with the heroes on Earth. It's also worth mentioning that he was an absolute joy to play in Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Kl'rt isn't the only Super Skrull, however. During the events of Secret Invasion, the fanatical faction of the empire led by the Skrull Queen uses a large number of Super Skrulls who are amalgamations of various Earth heroes' powers.

The thing about Kl'rt is that although he hates the Fantastic Four he is often shown to have a reluctantly good moral compass. During the events of Annihilation, he sacrifices himself to stop the Annihilation Wave from reaching the Skrull homeworld, despite being cast out years prior for his repeated failures against the Fantastic Four.

Although he's not all bad, Super Skrull would be an excellent villain for the MCU. He could begin as an antagonist in, say, a Nova standalone movie then be brought around to doing what's right like his character arc in the comics. Skrulls have been teased by James Gunn who mentioned the Skrull language has already appeared in the MCU, so having Nova and Super Skrull team up exactly how they do in the comics would be great.


Gary has been reading Marvel Comics since he was 6 years old. Rather than retain knowledge on things such as Maths or Science - he chose to become a sponge for most things Marvel. He has a longstanding grudge against Iron Man he has harbored since Civil War(2006).