MCU: 10 Fan Ideas Better Than What Marvel Have Planned

3. Valkyrie Becomes The New Thor

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Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok was the Thor film every God of Thunder fan had been waiting for, and while it's fair to say that Chris Hemsworth is fantastic in the role of the Odinson, there's no reason to say there can't be two Gods of Thunder.

Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie was by far Ragnarok's best character, and with it looking as though some of the MCU's founding actors will be departing the franchise sooner, rather than later, it would make sense for Marvel to make the character the new Goddess of Thunder, much like Jane Foster did in the comics themselves.

Irrespective of the fact it was Jane who assumed the mantle in the comics, Ragnarok was clearly meant to be a clean break from those earlier Thor films. The Warriors Three are offed in the film's opening act, Jane's nowhere to be seen, and Asgard itself is laid to waste in its climax. What better way to hammer that further, then, than to make Valkyrie the new Thor, taking inspiration from one of the best comics of the last decade?

The Odinson can continue his business elsewhere, but Thompson's Valkyrie is destined to become one of the MCU's biggest stars. Making her the new Thor would be the perfect way of acknowledging that.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.