MCU: 10 Fascinating Facts Behind Thor (2011)

7. Tom Hiddleston's Prep

Loki Thor 2011
Marvel Studios

Though he made Loki one of the most beloved MCU characters of the entire franchise's history, Tom Hiddleston initially auditioned to play Thor - complete with blonde hair. He wasn't successful, though, and ended up with (arguably) the better role as the God Of Mischief instead.

To prepare for the role, Hiddleston turned to Shakespeare first, believing Loki to be like King Lear's Edmund, only nastier, and then to a trio of iconic actors - Peter O'Toole, Jack Nicholson and Clint Eastwood. From each he took one thing - O'Toole's enigmatic, reckless persona, Nicholson's edgy energy and Eastwood's simmering anger.

And then to get into the physicality of the role, he went on a strict diet before and during filming to give Loki a gaunt, hungry look. He also studied capoeira to make sure he convinced in combat too.

In contrast to Hiddleston's fasting, Chris Hemsworth prepared for Thor by putting on a massive amount of muscle weight, by hitting the gym for six months and indulging in a protein-heavy diet of eggs, chicken, sandwiches, vegetables, brown rice, steak and protein drinks.

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