MCU: 10 Fascinating Facts Behind Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

2. Hulk Is Thousands Of Years Old

Hulk Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

In a rather genius bit of deep-diving, those clever film hounds over at ScreenRant have unturned a detail about Thor: Ragnarok that seems to have been largely ignored to date.

Thanks to the revelation that Loki falling off the Bifrost mere seconds before Thor led to him landing on Sakaar weeks ahead of him, ScreenRant have worked out that Hulk was actually stranded on the same planet for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Doing the exact math, Loki departs the Bifrost to be gathered up by a wormhole and spat out onto Sakaar exactly 11 seconds before Thor, resulting in "weeks" of difference. If we assume a minimum definition of "weeks" as just 15 days, that means one second of time outside of Sakaar (be it on Earth, in space, or any other parallel plane) equates to 117,818 seconds on Sakaar - or 1.36 days. That might not seem like an outrageous case of relativity, but taking into account the full two years Hulk was missing, that means 235,000 years passed on Sakaar while the Avengers were living through just two. If Loki was referring to a stay closer to say, 22 days, one second would equal two days in Sakaar... that's 345,000 years."

That's some impressive work there. And it makes you wonder exactly how Banner is going to react when he knows how long Hulk was actually in charge of his body.


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