MCU: 10 Marvel Characters Who Could ACTUALLY Replace Spider-Man

1. Hope Summers

Sam Alexander
Marvel Comics

We really have no idea what’s going to happen with the X-Men coming into the MCU right now. It seems unlikely that they’ll just have been hiding in plain sight while Thanos invaded, but (multiverses aside), you lose a lot of backstory and lore by having mutants just appear.

Most talk has revolved around the how and the who, but even the who has mainly focussed on who’ll be playing the heroes established in the FoX-Men films: Wolverine, Storm, Magneto, Mystique et cetera... but what might be a little more interesting are the characters we’ve not seen yet.

Obviously the likes of Doop aren’t going to cross over to the MCU as our first introduction to the mutants, but they might not go for the A List right away either. That’s where Hope Summers comes in.

She’s an Omega level mutant, able to mimic any mutant around her; it’s a power which could form an introductory story for mutants in the MCU.

She cameoed in Deadpool 2 as the motivation for Cable to travel to the past, but the jury’s still out on how linked that movie is. With multiverses, time travel and Josh Brolin playing both Thanos and Cable, anything is possible.

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