MCU: 10 Marvel Characters Who Could ACTUALLY Replace Spider-Man

9. Marvel Boy

Sam Alexander
Marvel Comics

Marvel Boy might seem like an insult a DCEU fan might throw at someone upset over Tom Holland’s departure from the MCU, but he’s actually a fairly solid character from the comic canon. Nothing too spectacular, but then he’s not really been afforded the spotlight to be so either.

A few characters have donned the moniker over the years, but it’s the Noh-Varr version being put forward here. After Captain Marvel’s massive gross and huge power set, Brie Larson’s character is set to become an even bigger part of the MCU going forward.

This will likely mean introducing characters around her to build up her lore, and Noh-Varr could be one such hero.

There’s obviously Ms Marvel (she’ll be along shortly, don’t worry) and potenMonica Rambeau’s Spectrum more connected to Carol Danvers, but it depends how they take it. Those two are heavily linked to Captain Marvel herself, while Marvel Boy expands the Kree universe.

With Spider-Man: Homecoming revealing that Nick Fury has been working closely with the Skrulls for a long time, the MCU may seek to flesh out the Kree/Skrull storyline without keeping it constantly tied to Captain Marvel. Noh-Varr affords them that opportunity.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)