MCU: 10 Marvel Movie Characters Who've Changed The Most

8. Odin

Thor Odin Anthony Hopkins
Marvel Studios

In the first Thor, Odin was the All Father in the purist sense: he was an all-powerful, God-like authority figure with unquestionable, unprecedented power, just as he was in mythology and in the comics. He was also, catastrophically, a bit of a dick to Loki and not the best father in the multiverse.

That last bit didn't really change, but Odin has softened massively in the films since his debut. He's still a key power player in the MCU (since he's still Odin), but he's far from infallible, as proven by the fact that Loki has clearly been able to get the better of him by the end of The Dark World.

As for his appearance in Thor: Ragnarok, set leaks revealed he's transformed into a homeless guy trapped on Earth, which is about as far away from being a God as possible.

What Caused The Changes?

Old age and the rise of his sons to power. Thor being head-strong and arrogant made Odin tired, Loki's rebellion made him even worse and then the return of the Aether to Asgard appears to have led to his fall from power. Until Ragnarok reveals what happened, we'll probably not know the real cause.

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