MCU: 10 Marvel Movie Characters Who've Changed The Most

3. Yondu

Yondu Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

Though he was alway introduced as a secondary villain in the first Guardians movie, Yondu was never quite a full villain thanks to his reluctance to kill Star-Lord - which was half-played as affection and half as ineptitude.

In the sequel, Yondu changes completely: he is ousted from his position as Ravager captain - which seems to destroy him temporarily - he's robbed of his Yaka Arrow and head-fin (temporarily), which is then replaced with a bigger, punkier fin, and he becomes a Guardian Of The Galaxy after killing 90% of the Ravagers he once led.

More importantly, it's also revealed that he's basically a good guy (or at the very most an anti-hero), having discovered Ego's true villainy and the image of a ruthless, money-loving pirate lord melts away to a loving, self-sacrificing sweetheart.

What Caused The Changes?

Partly realising that there are some things even his love for money won't allow him to do and partly the mutiny of his crew, along with the revelation that he believes himself to be Peter Quill's "daddy".

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