MCU: 10 Marvel Movie Characters Who've Changed The Most

4. Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios

You don't get a much more fundamental change than going from villain to hero, which is precisely what Scarlet Witch went through in Age Of Ultron. Initially introduced as a genetic experiment by HYDRA, she was an indoctrinated evil, blaming the Avengers (as an extension of Tony Stark) for the death of her parents.

Now, she's an Avenger (not a very good one, but an Avenger all the same) and no trace of evil seems to persist. She's also in love with a magical robo-Jesus, which is a pretty new development.

More emotionally, Scarlet Witch is now haunted by not only the death of her brother but also her accidental murder of civilians and Wakandan officials in Lagos. She appears to be a little unhinged, and her control over her powers might not be as assured as it was when she was first introduced.

What Caused The Changes?

Naivety of her powers and death. There's a good chance we're heading towards a sort of House Of M arc for Scarlet Witch as she struggles with the possibilities of her powers and the fact that she's already very obviously psychologically broken would be a good foundation for that.

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