MCU: 10 Possible Uses Of The Multiverse In Phase 4 (And Beyond)

8. To Bring Dead Characters Back Into The Main MCU Continuity...

Venom MCU 2
Marvel Studios

There's been quite a lot of death in the MCU over the past year, but no matter how many characters they kill off, it's hard to truly believe that Marvel won't find a way to bring them back somehow.

Loki has "died" more times than we can count, and even his latest, seemingly definitive death might have been undone by Avengers: Endgame. Gamora died and came back, Fury had a death fakeout in The Winter Soldier, and Coulson came back to headline his own damn TV show. This has been a real issue for the MCU that has somewhat dulled the impact of its deaths, because it always feels like there will be a way for the character(s) in question to return in the future.

And with the multiverse, the MCU now contains the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card for reversing deaths - including ones that have already happened, and even ones that are yet to come.

Vision died in Infinity War and was nowhere to be seen in Endgame, despite having a TV show slated to come out on Disney Plus. One way to get him back in action? Get an identical Vision from an alternate timeline and pull him into the main MCU! The same goes for the newly-deceased Black Widow's solo film, too - if it's not a prequel, she could just be "multiversed" back into existence during the present day MCU.

That might be a bit cheap, granted, but it's still an option Marvel could utilise.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.