MCU: 10 Reasons Hulk Deserves Another Solo Film

8. It Can Be A Prequel Or Sequel

Hulk Mark Ruffalo
Marvel Studios

If Kevin Feige decided he wanted to fit in a new solo Hulk film into the MCU he has the freedom of making a prequel or a sequel. Having not had a film since 2008 there are several unexplored areas of Banner's history to choose from, but after the events of Avengers: Endgame The Hulk is in a position we've never seen before and the story could go in a multitude of directions.

A prime area to explore in a prequel could be Bruce finally finding a solution to his curse, which lead to Professor Hulk. Many fans were a little bit disappointed that this large character moment was brushed over in Endgame, so a prequel could not only explore how Bruce was able to finally solve his problem, but also what truly drove him to do it. You could also examine the post-snap world in a bit more detail.

With a sequel there are lots of different directions to take the story. How does the Hulk fit into a post-Endgame world? With Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow gone, he's likely not been this lonely since his time on Sakaar. With both the brawn and the brains, it would be really cool to see The Hulk prove that he doesn't need a team to save the day, and finally see Professor Hulk in all his glory.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.