MCU: 10 Returning Characters We're Most Excited About

1. Zemo

Zemo MCU
Marvel Studios

We have arrived at arguably the most exciting character return in the MCU - at least that we know of.

Zemo is one of Captain America's greatest villains. A criminal mastermind of the highest order, he has proven himself a threat time and time again. In the MCU, he served as an especially effective villain, even if he was infinitely less theatrical than his comic book counterpart. Fans generally liked Civil War's portrayal of the character, but longed for the purple mask-wearing, sword-wielding mastermind from the pages of the comics. Well, we're about to get just that.

Zemo is set to return in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, complete with his purple mask and more or less comic-accurate costume. What role will he play? No one knows, but we can assume that he'll be the one behind everything. Even if that's not the case, he'll still be looking to exploit the seismic shift left behind by the Blip. After all, this is a post-Avengers world -- at least, the Avengers that he knows and hates.

Here's to hoping that Zemo will have a continued run in the MCU, possibly joining up with Ghost, General Ross, and whomever else to form the Thunderbolts.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.