MCU: 10 Returning Characters We're Most Excited About

2. Black Widow

Zemo MCU
Marvel Studios

Natasha Romanoff has been around in the MCU a lot longer than people seem to realize. She was introduced before Captain America, Thor, or Hawkeye. She might as well have been introduced before the Hulk, as Marvel seems to have purged every trace of Edward Norton's Hulk film - save for Mr. Harrington and Thaddeus Ross - from the history books.

Natasha was never the lead. She was an underdog, really. She took a bit of flack, with some fans dismissing her skill set as useless alongside super-soldiers, tech geniuses, and gods. In spite of all that, Natasha has been one of the hearts of the MCU since its earliest days. Over the course of nine years, she grew into one of the franchise's most beloved characters.

Even though she sacrificed her life, she's getting her own film, and what one hell of a film it looks like. Remember, even though she's never been the center of attention, Black Widow is played by a two-time Academy Award-nominated actress. Johansson is an incredibly talented performer, and the promise of FINALLY letting her shine in her own film is definitely something to get excited about.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.