MCU: 10 Scenes Actors HATED Shooting

9. Scarlett Johansson Hates Her Character’s Hypersexualisation - Iron Man 2

Black Widow Iron Man 2
Marvel Studios

Though she'd go on to become one of the most vital, badass, and recognisable elements of the OG set of Avengers that first helped defend earth against an alien attack in 2012, that still doesn't change the fact that Scarlett Johansson wasn't entirely satisfied with the way Natasha Romanoff was handled during her MCU bow.

First appearing opposite Tony Stark and his crew in Iron Man 2, Johansson's Black Widow found herself being heavily sexualised throughout the runtime, with one particular scene involving the character stripping off and getting changed in the back of a car drawing the wrong sort of attention in the years since its release.

Talking about her MCU introduction around the time of her standalone Black Widow prequel's release, Johansson would note:

"(She is) really talked about like she’s a piece of something, like a possession or a thing or whatever – like a piece of ass, really. And Tony even refers to her as something like that at one point … ‘I want one.’”

Still likely acting as an introduction Marvel Studios would like to forget a decade on, it's not hard to see why Johansson still harbours ill-will towards this over-sexualised debut.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...